App for Capturing and Sharing Content
Effortless Knowledge Sharing
Capture content and let the app generate presentations for you to share with your team.
How can we support documentation in creative workshops?
Project Overview
In creative workshops, it is common practice for people to work in small subgroups and later present their findings to the wider group. This is often done with analog tools, such as markers, flip chart paper, and post-it notes. In order to run these tasks, workshop facilitators must often engage in organizational tasks, which can be a cumbersome endeavor. Furthermore, it is difficult to successfully capture and document the outcome of these processes for sharing and dissemination. We designed a mobile app that supports simple and quick documentation for creative workshops. It facilitates the structured capturing of content and the automatic generation of powerpoint presentations that can be displayed using a large electronic whiteboard or projection system.
The app was prototyped using ReactNative for cross-platform development. The backend was implemented using Node.js, Swagger for the REST API, and Docker for hosting. Illustrations and designs were created with Adobe Illustrator and inVision, based on the Material Design guidelines. I led the UI/UX design and illustration for the project.
The results of my design work included the logo design, a set of illustrations for different pages and states, user flows and the accompanying UI designs. Part of the design is displayed here as a clickable prototype (originally made in inVision but recreated in Figma).
CheeRFUL CamPanion
A friendly face as you navigate the app.
Creative Workshops
Knowledge Sharing
Mobile App
Skills & Technologies
UI/UX Design, Adobe Illustrator, inVision,
React Native, Node.js, Swagger
Team Members
Christian Rendl
Florian Perteneder
Joanne Leong
Kathrin Probst
Sebastian Gassler
My Role
I was the illustrator and the lead UI/UX designer. I collaborated with my teammates to arrive at the implemented design, based on Material Design guidelines.