AN Expressive Painting Application Using EEG
“How can we gain deeper insight on the part of ourselves which defies mapping? ”
Project Overview
The link between the measured state of the brain through electroencephalogram (EEG) and the perceived emotional state of the user is a notable field of study. NeuroPaint was an interactive painting application incorporating brain measurements as a form of input. The project explored the intersection of the quantitative nature of signal processing and the more qualitative nature of human mood and emotion. The motivation was to explore how such technology could be used to aid in art therapy by giving people a means to reflect on one's emotional state over time.
Borrowing a NeuroSky MindWave headset, I explored the API and noticed that it provides two numerical measurements - one for attention, and another for meditation. Coding a basic painting application in Processing 2+, I then experimented with different mappings between the signals detected by the headset and the dynamics of the drawing brush.
The final prototype was created using a NeuroSky MindWave headset in Processing 2+. The meditation levels influenced the colour of the brush: warm colours indicate low levels of meditation (excitement), whereas cool colours indicate high levels of meditation (calmness). The thickness of the brush corresponds with the artist's level of focus. Thus, the brush becomes finer with an increased level of mental focus. At the end of the session, the application generated a file which captured and could playback the creative process.
NeuroPaint Project Video. A novel expressive painting application using EEG.
Completed as a final project for SYDE 544, Biomedical Measurement and Signal Processing at the University of Waterloo. Done in collaboration with Audrey Chung and Chris Vandevelde.
Electroencephalogram (EEG), Art Therapy, Visual Arts
SKills & Technologies
Processing 2+, NeuroSky MindWave Headset and API
MY Role
I created the project concept, designed the interactions, and coded the application.